When you take high repetitive action on your goals, you will achieve them no matter any challenges. When you add time to the equation… THE STREAM ALWAYS BEATS THE ROCK ACTION 1: Analyze your life and FILL IT UP! When you have so much going on with so many opportunities, when the blows come it, they hurt, but you are so busy with 20 other things in the pipeline you can’t afford to waste a week wallowing in giving up, and this ‘life-is-hard’ – ‘I should give-up’….because you have too many other things to focus on 😊 If you don’t legitimately have too many things to focus on – make them up! Clean your car, your house, take a walk, write 10 thank you messages… 

Make a list as this list will make you get busy, out of your head and back into action. Action moves you forward! ACTION 2: Second course of Action is to KNOW YOUR PURPOSE! And think big! It does not take any more thinking power to think big than to think small. At least when you think big you aim high, so if you do fall short you are still way ahead of where you thought you could be. The rewards are great but they do no happen overnight. 

  • Set up sub-targets that you can achieve along the way. 
  • This will give you positive feedback that you are on the right track. 
  • Never give up. 


Mandy Sealy
Base Fit Founder and Director 

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